ADR Training
Dangerous Goods in Tanks & Packages
If your business involves the transportation of certain dangerous goods by road, and your activities are covered by The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations 1996 and subsequent amendments? Then, under these regulations, the vehicle operator must, amongst other things provide driver training.
Where vehicles exceeding 3.5 are used for such journeys, an additional regulation requires vehicle operators to comply with other training and certification standards.
Since 1 January 1995 it has been an offence for a driver of any vehicle subject to the dangerous goods regulations, to drive such vehicles, unless they are in possession of a Department of Transport approved Vocational Training Certificate (ADR).
The certificate is obtained by the driver successfully passing Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) examinations, after attendance on a DoT approved training programme. Such drivers are subsequently issued Vocational Certificates directly from the DVLA.
We are accredited by the National Dangerous Goods Training Consortium, recognised by the SQA and are approved by the Department of Transport for driver training.
Hazfreight (Packages) Training:
The packaged goods programme, including most of the more common hazard class modules will require four days including examinations.
Core Module
Packages Core
Hazard Class 2 – Compressed Gases
Hazard Class 3 – Flammable Liquids
Hazard Class 4 – Flammable Solids
Hazard Class 5 – Oxidising Agents
Hazard Class 6 – Toxics
Hazard Class 8 – Corrosives
Hazard Class 9 – Miscellaneous
Specialisation Module – Tanker