In-House Forklift Instructor Training Course

Could you benefit from a 5 day In-House non-accredited instructor course. We have spaces availabe.

2nd – 6th June 2014

£758 + VAT


HL Training Services deliver 5-day forklift instructor courses that are non-accredited in-house instructor courses which, on completion, allows the delegate to attend and instruct on further courses. The instructor course is based on a counterbalance course, however any certificates that are currently held by the delegate can be used for instruction purposes on completion of this 5 day course.

Call us on 0117 952 5625 for more infirmation

Greg Cunningham uses a Digger on Bristol City pitch

As the end of season comes for League One, it becomes time to take up the old turf and replace for the new season. Bristol City are installing a new DESO pitch to accomodate the move of Bristol Rugby to Ashton Gate Stadium and have taken to digging up the ground in a totally different way this year, and as they start the redevelopment of Ashton Gate stadium, their player Greg Cunningham took to the field for one last time, IN A DIGGER!

Check out Bristol Citys website for all the pictures

If you like the look of using a digger, we provide the highest quality training on diggers, excavators, dumpers and much more.

Please call the office on 0117 952 5625 for me details.


Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Services – ELCAS

We are proud to be one a provider of the ELC (Enhanced Learning Credits) Scheme which is aimed at providing the Armed Forces a route into Civvy Street. The ELC Scheme provides Service Leavers with funding of up to a maximum of three financial years and is only available where a course that offers a nationally recognised qualification is achieved.

HL Training provide a Forklift Instructors course as part of various packages to meet the Level 3 National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for England and Wales. We have had extremely positive feedback from a wide range of Service Leavers which can be seen by visiting our testimonials page.

To sum up, we had an ELCAS visit since moving to our new premises, and the outcome of that is we have 98% positive feedback since starting the course.

If you are leaving the Armed Forces and would like to be part of one of our Instructor Courses, call us on 0117 952 5625 and ask for Angela.