Warehouse Safety Checklist: Rules and Best Practices

Health and safety are crucial in any business, but they are even more vital in workplaces that handle machinery and equipment. In this guide, you can find our warehouse health and safety checklist to help guide you through exactly what tasks need to be completed to ensure your workplace puts the safety of your employees first and complies with various health and safety regulations. 

  • What is Warehouse Safety?
  • Why Health and Safety in a Warehouse Matters
  • Key Health and Safety Regulations 
  • The Most Common Warehouse Injuries and Safety Risks
  • Steps to Ensure Warehouse Safety
  • Our Warehouse Health and Safety Checklist 
  • Ensure Your Staff are Trained in Health and Safety with HL Training 

What is Warehouse Safety?

Warehouse safety is crucial for protecting workers and maintaining efficient operations. Several key practices must be followed, including training for all employees on general health and safety, equipment usage and safety protocols, and conducting risk assessments to analyse a workplace’s safety. Health and safety also includes supplying personal protective equipment, such as hard hats and high-visibility vests. 

Why Health and Safety in a Warehouse Matters

Working in a warehouse comes with many risks, some of which can cause serious harm. From 2023 to 2024, the UK reported 25 fatalities in the workplace caused by being struck by a moving vehicle and a further eight fatalities involving contact with moving machinery. 

A business was fined over £320,000 in 2024 for the death of an employee back in 2020. The company did not comply with health and safety regulations, and as a result, an employee died due to a faulty attachment on a forklift. This case emphasises the need for regular health and safety checks to identify risks promptly and reduce injury and fatalities.  

Complying with health and safety regulations also ensures you: 

  • Avoid hefty fines and prosecution
  • Minimise the amount of lost time due to injury
  • Promote a positive working environment 

Key Health and Safety Regulations 

There are several health and safety regulations you must follow in the UK. These are the key regulations you must be aware of and what health and safety measures they highlight: 

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: This regulation applies to all businesses, regardless of their sector. 
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: Employers must carry out risk assessments and implement control measures to uphold health and safety measures. 
  • Work at Height Regulations 2005: Employees should only work at heights when necessary, and measures must be in place to prevent falls. 
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002: This regulation requires employers to assess the risks of working with hazardous substances and implement measures to control exposure. 
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER): Employers must ensure all work equipment is safe and properly maintained to protect workers. 

The Most Common Warehouse Injuries and Safety Risks

Warehouses can be full of risks, given the types of machinery that may be used and the tasks employees must carry out. Here are some of the main risks you should be aware of in a warehouse:

  • Manual Handling Injuries
  • Slips, Trips and Falls
  • Vehicle-Related Hazards
  • Collisions with Storage Racking, Goods or Equipment 
  • Working at a Height
  • Fire and Explosions
  • Exposure to Chemical and Hazardous Substances
  • Noise Exposure
  • Electrical Hazards

Steps to Ensure Warehouse Safety

To create a safe working environment and comply with health and safety regulations, here is a step-by-step of the tasks you must complete to ensure all risks are identified and safety measures are implemented. 

1. Conduct Thorough Risk Assessments

While it is only a legal requirement to conduct a risk assessment if your business has five or more staff members, we recommend you still identify all risks to ensure the safety of your workforce, no matter how small it may be. To ensure all risks are identified, you should cover all areas, including machinery, substances and work processes, and evaluate the risks. You should then record and review these risks regularly. 

2. Inspect and Maintain the Facility

Preventative maintenance is key to identifying new risks and keeping the warehouse in good condition. By blocking regular warehouse inspections, you can identify new hazards, run-down equipment and other health and safety risks, such as blocked fire exits. All inspections should be recorded to keep a paper trail of your health and safety management efforts. 

3. Provide Training and Supervision Where Necessary 

All employees should be trained in general health and safety and job-specific tasks. This includes manual handling, fire safety and prevention, operating equipment, handling hazardous substances, working at height, and forklift operation

4. Document Procedures 

Any hazardous tasks should have complementary step-by-step guides on how to perform them following health and safety procedures. Some examples of hazardous tasks include working with dangerous substances and working at heights.

5. Provide Suitable Personal Protective Equipment

Health and safety isn’t just about ensuring procedures are followed but also making sure the correct equipment is supplied to employees to carry out their roles safely. This means employers must provide suitable personal protective equipment, including eye protection, hearing protection, steel-capped footwear and hi-vis jackets. 

6. Report All Incidents

If any accidents are to occur, you must record them following your business’s incident reporting procedure. All injuries, safety observations and new perceived risks must be recorded. You should also implement new safety measures accordingly and conduct post-incident analysis to reduce the risk of the same incident occurring again. 

7. Practice Emergency Protocols

All workplaces must have emergency procedures in place to ensure a quick response to a fire, chemical spill, injury or any other emergency. You are also advised to conduct drills to ensure all staff understand the procedures and are aware of their responsibilities in the event of an emergency. 

Our Warehouse Health and Safety Checklist 

[We could look at creating an infographic to go here] 

Ensure Your Staff are Trained in Health and Safety with HL Training 

Training is one of the best ways to ensure health and safety regulations compliance. At HL Training, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality training in forklift operation, first aid, and other health and safety courses to ensure your staff can handle any situation calmly and safely. Book a training course with us today to protect your staff from avoidable harm! 


Is it illegal to leave keys in a forklift?

Never leave keys in an unattended forklift. It’s illegal and unsafe, and it violates health and safety regulations. Anyone could operate the forklift without proper training, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. 

Remember: Always remove keys when leaving a forklift unattended. This simple step helps prevent unauthorised use and keeps everyone safer.

What are the general safety rules for a warehouse?

To comply with health and safety regulations, you should ensure you abide by the following rules:

  • Conduct Risk Assessments
  • Inspect and Maintain the Facility
  • Provide Training and Supervision 
  • Document Procedures 
  • Provide Suitable Personal Protective Equipment
  • Report All Incidents
  • Practice Emergency Protocols

What is the biggest safety issue in a warehouse?

Warehouses can have many safety hazards, so it is crucial you understand them and how to avoid them. The main risks in a warehouse include manual handling injuries, slips, falls, and trips, vehicle-related hazards, and working at a height. 

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Forklift Theory Test: Everything You Need to Know

If you want to become a certified forklift operator, you must pass a forklift theory test. This exam will assess your knowledge of safety procedures, operational guidelines, and legal requirements that are essential for operating a forklift in various work environments. While it may seem daunting at first, understanding the test’s structure and key topics will help you pass that all-important final test.

In this guide, we break down the forklift theory test into its main components and provide you with valuable tips to help you ace the exam. Whether you are a complete novice or you’re an experienced forklift operator looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide will set you on the right path to success.

  • What is a Forklift Certification?
  • The Forklift Theory Test
  • Tips for Success in the Forklift Theory Test
  • Forklift Theory Test: Sample Questions 
  • Pass Your Forklift Test with Ease with HL Training

What is a Forklift Certification?

A forklift certification is an official recognition that an individual has been trained and possesses the skills to operate a forklift. In the UK, forklift operator certifications can be accredited by ITSSAR, AITT, and RTITB
To gain a forklift certification, an individual must complete three separate tests: the forklift theory test, the practical test, and a pre-use check test. These tests will assess an individual’s ability to operate a forklift as a whole, including how to perform certain loading and unloading tasks, recall safety procedures, and identify workplace hazards, just to name a few.

The Forklift Theory Test

A forklift theory test is a crucial element of a forklift operator certification. Comprised of 25 questions, the test will have five open-ended questions and 20 multiple-choice questions that you must answer within 30 minutes. This exam is used to test an individual’s knowledge of forklift operation, safety procedures, and the relevant regulations surrounding forklifts. Some topics you may be assessed on include:

  • Forklift Components
  • Pre-Use Operational Checks
  • Loading Handling Techniques
  • Stability Principles
  • Manoeuvring in Tight Spaces
  • Operator Responsibilities
  • Employer Responsibilities
  • Proper Use of Controls and Instruments 
  • Hazard Awareness 
  • Emergency Procedures 

You must score a minimum of 80% to pass. However, if you fail there may be an opportunity to take a second attempt after remedial training. Although, this is dependent on the results of the first attempt, and is based on the instructor’s discretion.

Tips for Success in the Forklift Theory Test

If you are considering taking your forklift theory test soon, here are a few tips and tricks to point you in the right direction. 

1. Study, Study, Study

Just like your school exams or your driving theory exam, it is important you take the time to read up on the relevant material to ensure you have learned all the correct material. From safety regulations to hazard awareness, load handling techniques and more, creating a checklist of all the material you must cover can come in handy when planning what you need to know. By dedicating some time to studying and reviewing the material, you will have a greater chance of remembering the material ready for the exam. 

2. Manage Your Time Effectively 

Don’t cram it all in the night before! Make sure you set out enough time to slowly go through the material in depth so you actually understand the content rather than memorising it for the sake of it. You will find you remember the material more clearly when you actually understand it.

3. Try Using Some Sample Questions

Sample questions are a great way of getting to grips with the style of questions you will encounter in the exam. They allow you to test your understanding and become more familiar with the format of the test. Plus, these questions may even come up in your exam! 

4. Ask Your Instructor for Clarification Where Doubt Lies

If you have any questions or queries about the test, don’t hesitate to ask for further clarification. This will ensure that you fully understand what the questions are asking of you.

Forklift Theory Test: Sample Questions 

As sample questions are the best way to learn, here are some examples of the types of written questions you may encounter during your forklift theory exam. 

What is an Approved Code of Practice?

An approved code of practice advises duty holders on complying with legislation. This ensures a safe working environment for all staff, with forklift operators equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle a forklift. An example of an approved code of practice is the Health and Safety Executive, which encourages the safe operation of forklifts. 

Why is there an increased risk of a truck tipping forward when tilting a load forward at a height?

High reach trucks have a carriage tilt, and when a load is tilted forward, the combined centre of gravity also shifts forward, causing an increase in weight at the front of a forklift. This can increase the chance of injury to both the operator and other employees in the area. 

How do you proceed when forward visibility is obstructed or blocked?

When forward visibility is obstructed or blocked, you should drive in reverse if possible to maintain a clear view of the path. If reverse driving isn’t feasible, you should use a spotter to guide you. Once you have decided on how you will manoeuvre the forklift, you should then proceed slowly and cautiously. If there are any intersections or blind spots, you should use your horn. If possible, you should consider alternative routes that have better visibility. 

What should your first concern be as a forklift operator?

Before you start the forklift, you should first check that the forklift is in a safe and proper operating condition. By conducting a pre-use inspection of the forklift, you will be able to find any damage. You should then check the forklift when it is running. Depending on site policy and PPE availability, you can examine the tyres, oil, water and hydraulic fluid levels. The forks, brakes, lights, horn and steering wheel should also be checked before you begin operating. 

Pass Your Forklift Test with Ease with HL Training

Becoming a forklift operator doesn’t have to be hard. By setting time aside to study for your forklift theory exam, you can achieve your forklift certification in no time! At HL Training, we offer accredited Forklift Operator Training so you can gain the skills and knowledge to become a skilled forklift operator. From novices to refresher training, we have a training course for you! Take a look at our Forklift Operator Training today and get started on your journey to becoming a forklift operator.


How many questions are on the forklift test?

There are 25 questions on the forklift theory test, all of which are now multiple-choice. You will have an hour to answer all of the questions. 

Is a forklift theory test hard?

A forklift theory test can be tough, but with an appropriate amount of studying, it doesn’t have to be. By taking the time to study, managing your time effectively and trying some sample questions before the day of your test, you can have the best chances of success! 

What’s involved in a forklift test?

To gain your forklift certification, you must pass a practical test, a theory test and a pre-use check test. The practical test assesses your ability to safely operate a forklift in a variety of situations. The theory test consists of 25 questions testing your knowledge of forklift operation. Finally, the pre-use check test ensures you follow the correct procedure of checking the forklift is fit for use before you begin operation.

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How to Pass Your Practical Forklift Test

Like a normal driving test, for most people, the easiest part of gaining a forklift driving certification is the theory or written exam, not the practical driving test. Applying what you have learned from the theory to driving a forklift can be difficult. But with practice and a good knowledge of best practices, you can easily pass your practical forklift driving test and gain a forklift driving certification in no time. 

In this guide, we answer your burning questions from why you need a forklift driving certification to how the practical test is marked. Let’s look at how you should prepare for your forklift certification.

  • Do I Need a Forklift Driving Certification?
  • What Do I Need to Do to Gain a Forklift Driving Certification? 
  • Forklift Driving Certification: The Written Exam 
  • What Does the Practical Element of a Forklift Test Entail?
  • Can You Fail a Forklift Test?
  • Tips for Passing Your Practical Forklift Test
  • Improve Your Chances of Gaining a Forklift Certification with HL Training 

Do I Need a Forklift Driving Certification?

It is an employer’s job to ensure all staff are trained to complete their jobs in a safe manner. This means businesses should ensure their employees obtain a forklift driving certification to equip their employees with the skills required to drive a forklift. Most companies also look for some form of forklift certification from an accredited body when they are looking to hire, so it is a good idea to gain a forklift certification when you can. 

What Do I Need to Do to Gain a Forklift Driving Certification? 

A forklift certification test is made up of three components: the written exam, the practical driving test and the pre-use check test. The written exam (or theoretical exam) ensures you have the knowledge to safely operate a forklift, including identifying hazards, how to lower and raise the forks with a load, and the correct way to maintain a forklift. The practical element is a driving test. This portion of the test requires you to put your theoretical knowledge to use and demonstrate how you would handle different situations. Finally, the pre-use check test assesses your ability to complete a visual inspection of the forklift and carry out the appropriate functional tests, such as testing the forks and brakes, before operating the truck. 

Once you have successfully completed both of these exams, you will receive a forklift driving certification. But it is not as easy as that. Passing both your written and practical exams will entail learning the content thoroughly and practising operating a forklift. To ensure you have the best chance of passing your forklift certification exams, you should choose a training provider that helps you through the learning process and exam. 

At HL Training, we offer a range of forklift operator training courses for various different forklift trucks. Why not take a look at our courses here?

Forklift Driving Certification: The Written Exam 

The written exam element of a forklift certification assesses your knowledge of different forklift operating topics. This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Preventing Hazards and Dangers
  • Correct Use of Alarms, Hazard Lights, and Horns 
  • How to Lower and Raise the Fork Arms 
  • How to Maintain a Forklift Truck 
  • Refuelling and Recharging the Vehicles 
  • And More…

What Does the Practical Element of a Forklift Test Entail?

The practical element of a forklift test requires you to demonstrate what you have learned from the theory component. This allows examiners to assess your ability to operate a forklift in real-life situations, ensuring you have the knowledge to drive a forklift truck safely. You will be asked to demonstrate some techniques during the practical test, such as:

  • How to Make a Sharp or Right-Angle Turn in a Confined Space
  • How to Position and Manoeuvre a Load Safely Onto the Fork Arms 
  • Safely Manoeuvre a Load to a Second Location 
  • How to Reverse a Forklift Truck Safely 
  • Use the Brake and Put the Truck in a Standby Position 
  • How to Securely Stack Loads

Forklift Operation Safety

A forklift driving test is not just about how you operate a forklift but also whether or not you follow safety procedures. You must ensure you demonstrate safety guidelines by:

  • Wearing a Seatbelt 
  • Using Turn Signals 
  • Driving at Appropriate Speeds
  • Carefully Handling Ramps and Other Obstacles 
  • Safely Travelling Through Areas with Obstructed View 
  • Ensuring the Safety of Pedestrians 

Can You Fail a Forklift Test?

Like a driving test for a car, you will be marked on how many faults you make. However, the points system is a little different. For a forklift driving test, there are different levels of penalty points. These are:

  • Serious = 5 Points
  • Mid-Range = 3 Points 
  • Minor = 1 Point 

To pass, you must not gain more than 40 points. It must be noted that if you make 4 serious faults, you will automatically fail no matter how many points you have at that point. 

An examiner will judge you on various criteria, including your speed, observation skills, reaction times, use of the forklift correctly, awareness of potential hazards, and inspection of the forklift before operation. You may receive a point if you fail to meet the examiner’s expectations. 

Serious faults are usually more obvious. For example, you will receive a serious fault if you have poor judgment, do not secure the forklift correctly, or do any other actions that would compromise your safety or that of others. 

Tips for Passing Your Practical Forklift Test

Tests can be daunting, but with plenty of practice and revision, you can pass your forklift certification test. Here are a few tips you could use to ensure the best chance of success:

  • Practice on the Course Set-Up: You could ask your examiner what the course set-up will be and if you can use that dedicated course to practice or ask your employer if you can create a similar set-up at your workplace. Remember, practice is key!
  • You Should Always Wear Your Seatbelt: Just like when you are driving a car, you must always wear a seatbelt when operating a forklift! 
  • Stay Focused and Concentrate at All Times: Mental preparation is just as important as revising. During your test, be aware of all your surroundings to avoid losing points on silly mistakes. 
  • Don’t Forget to Use the Horn: This is a common mistake that you could avoid! When turning around blind spots or corners, you should ensure you are using your horn so that others around you are aware you are approaching. 
  • Stay Calm: Above all else, when it comes to the day of the exam, you should try to stay calm. Of course, this is easier said than done, but staying calm will make sure you don’t make any avoidable mistakes and increase your chances of passing the exam. 

Improve Your Chances of Gaining a Forklift Certification with HL Training 

To increase your chances of passing the forklift test, you could opt to train with a training provider like us. At HL Training, we offer a range of forklift operator training courses that ensure your employees are well-equipped with the knowledge to operate forklifts safely. No matter how experienced your staff are or what type of forklift truck you require training in, we have a training course for you. Take a look at our forklift operator courses today, and get in touch if you have any questions. 


How hard is it to pass a forklift test?

Practical forklift tests are designed to be fairly difficult to ensure forklift operators are handling these large pieces of machinery safely. This is in the best interest of the forklift operators and other employees who work in the area. 

However, with the correct training and a good amount of practice, you can increase your chances of passing the forklift operator exam. Training from a provider such as HL Training ensures you have everything you need to complete the course successfully and gain your forklift operator certification. Take a look at all of our forklift operator courses today. 

What is the practical test for forklifts?

The practical element of a forklift operator test is used to assess your ability to put what you have learned from the theory element into practice. Some key areas you will be assessed on include:

  • Safety Procedures 
  • How to Make a Sharp or Right-Angle Turn in a Confined Space
  • How to Position and Manoeuvre a Load Safely Onto the Fork Arms 
  • Safely Manoeuvre a Load to a Second Location 
  • How to Reverse a Forklift Truck Safely 
  • Use the Brake and Put the Truck in a Standby Position 
  • How to Securely Stack Loads

Can you fail the forklift test?

Yes, you can fail the forklift operator test. The practical component of the forklift exam is judged on a point-based system. You will receive points depending on how many faults you commit and the severity of them. You will fail the test if you gain over 40 points or commit three serious faults.  

How old do I have to be to take a forklift driving test?

You must be of school leaving age to be able to operate a forklift, however, you are not required to own a car driving license. 

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