Forklifts can go faster than you think! Well, they still go relatively slow compared to a car, but even at these slower speeds, they can still cause injury and sometimes fatalities if operated inappropriately. In this guide, find out everything you need to know about forklift speeds and what the official guidelines say about forklift speed limits.
- How Fast Does a Forklift Go?
- What are the Official Guidelines for Forklift Speeds?
- Why Forklifts Need Speed Limits
- How to Reduce Forklift Speeding in Your Facility
- Book Forklift Operator Training with HL Training
How Fast Does a Forklift Go?
Although quite small, a forklift can travel at speeds of up to 20mph in some cases. Most forklifts have a maximum speed of approximately 10-15mph. However, you will notice that most forklifts you see actually travel much slower than this.
Businesses commonly enforce a maximum speed limit of 5-10mph to ensure the safety of other staff, forklift operators, equipment, and the building’s infrastructure. Any speed faster than this can result in accidents that are costly and lead to serious injury.
What are the Official Guidelines for Forklift Speeds?
No official guidelines mention the speed at which forklifts should travel on a site. However, the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) does specify that speed limits of 10, 15, or 20mph should be used depending on the vehicle and the site’s layout.
Given that forklift trucks commonly have a maximum speed of 10-15mph, this guideline implies that a 10mph speed limit should be enforced.
Typically, most businesses set a speed limit of approximately 5mph after considering factors such as site layout and a safe stopping distance.
Why Forklifts Need Speed Limits
Even while travelling at speeds of up to 10mph on a site, accidents and even fatalities can still happen. In fact, 1 in 5 workplace fatalities are caused by a forklift truck. This is why it is crucial forklifts only travel at slow speeds to ensure the safety of others on the site.
To illustrate the importance of this, imagine a forklift truck travelling at 9mph. Considering the reaction time of the forklift operator and the time it can take for a forklift truck to stop, a forklift can take up to 15 metres before it comes to a complete stop.
These large pieces of machinery can be dangerous if not operated correctly, which is why it is important to implement speed limits to reduce the risk of collisions with pedestrians, other forklift trucks, equipment, and other obstacles.
How to Reduce Forklift Speeding in Your Facility
To ensure accidents are prevented and forklift operators remember to stick to speed limits, you could implement some of the following:
1. Ensure All Operators are Trained
The best way to ensure your forklift truck operators follow speed limits is to ensure they are trained to operate a forklift properly. A couple of different training courses are available depending on the truck operator’s experience. For example:
- Basic Training: For untrained .operators who have no previous knowledge of forklift operation.
- Experienced Operator Training: For experienced operators who have had no formal training.
- Conversion Training: This is specifically for operators with previous training experience on a different machine and needing training on a new forklift.
- Refresher Training: Ideal for certified forklift truck operators every few years to brush up on their skills.
This training involves learning about the health and safety precautions that must be maintained when operating a forklift, including the speed at which you should drive a forklift.
2. Place Speed Limit Signs Around the Site
Clear speed signs should be placed in noticeable areas, particularly in areas of high foot traffic, to remind operators of the speed they should be driving in a specified area. These signs provide clear communication with operators, ensuring they are aware of the speed limit and that they should follow it.
Depending on the layout of your site and the types of forklifts you are using, the speed limit should be approximately 5mph in pedestrian-heavy traffic areas to avoid serious accidents.
3. Install Speed Control on the Forklift Trucks
There are two ways to limit the speed of a forklift truck: mechanical control and electronic speed control. With mechanical control, a forklift speed limiter can be installed on the forklift itself, specifically on the mechanical and electrical throttles. This manually controls the forklift’s speed and stops it from going any faster than the specified speed.
An electronic speed control device can easily programme the forklift to travel only up to certain speeds. A typical electronic speed control device is located on a dashboard and can be locked with a passcode to prevent your employees from changing the forklift’s set speed limit.
4. Install Speed Alert Radar Systems
You may have seen something similar when driving on the roads. If you happen to be going a little bit too fast, you might see a screen flash with a warning to slow down and the speed limit of the road. Something similar can be installed at your site to ensure your forklift operators follow your facility’s speed restrictions.
These systems can be particularly useful when approaching heavy foot traffic areas, as they ensure the forklift operator understands they are coming to a new area with a new speed limit.
5. Make Sure Forklifts Travel at Safe Distances
Forklift trucks should be kept at a safe distance from each other, whether between forklifts and other forklift trucks or between forklifts and pedestrians. A safe distance is recommended to be approximately three forklift trucks away from the forklift in front. This allows for a safe stopping distance in the case of an emergency.
Book Forklift Operator Training with HL Training
To make sure your forklift operators understand the importance of travelling at safe speeds on-site, you could book a forklift operator training course with us! At HL Training, we offer a range of training courses fit for any level of experience. From a novice to a refresher course, we can train your employees no matter their previous experience. Put the safety of your employees first by booking a forklift operator training course with us today.
How fast is a forklift?
Generally, most forklift trucks have a maximum speed of 10-15mph. However, most forklifts don’t travel this fast for safety reasons. Many businesses put a speed limit of 10mph on site, whilst others opt for 5-8mph, especially in high-traffic areas.
Is there a speed limit for forklifts in a warehouse?
Warehouses are full of hazards and blindspots, which means you should limit the speed of forklifts travelling in this area. There is no official guideline for the speed limit of forklift trucks in a warehouse. The speed limit would be up to the business. However, a speed limit of 5mph is recommended due to the number of hazards.
Can you drive a forklift on the road?
Technically, forklifts can be driven on a public road as long as you follow the government requirements. However, to ensure the safety of all road users, you should only drive a forklift on the road to carry goods between private premises.
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